Call Now for Dog Services (813) 778-3322
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SuperDog Center lives up to the “super” in our name by training “super dogs” who listen, learn, and conquer different commands and terrains.

From companions to competition dogs, all trainees are champions in our eyes – and we make sure when they’re done training with us, you’re completely satisfied.

Our certified professional dog trainer in Spring Hill Tampa Florida, Stephanie, welcomes all ages, sizes, and breeds of dogs. Feel free to come and chat with us or drop us a line on our contact form.

Some of the main highlights of our services include:

Build Social Skills – With Humans and Dogs  

Get your pup acclimated to new faces and surroundings with dog socialization training.

After these sessions, you’ll likely breathe a sigh of relief during calmer walks and outings in the neighborhood.

Our certified professional dog trainer in Spring Hill Tampa Florida recommends nipping this must-do in the bud at an early age. However, older dogs can also be socialized – it’s never too late.

Show Off a Top Dog with Advanced Skills

The advanced dog training program offered by SuperDog Center takes basic training a step further – and refines advanced skills, such as the ability to follow more than one command, sit in motion, or obey out-of-sight instructions for instance.

Some other highlights of this program include but aren’t limited to:

Off the Leash Dog Training | Distance Training | Use of Hand Signals

Dog Board and Train Program

certified professional dog trainer in Spring Hill Tampa Florida

One of our most popular services at SuperDog Center is the dog board and train program, which has garnered many positive reviews online.

This bestselling dog training program immerses guests into a world of exercises that promote obedience, socialization, and more. For best results, the programs are additionally tailored for each trainee.

Good to Know:

Around the Clock Service

Our dog board and train program features 24/7 on-duty trainers, which means that your pet is monitored at all times during their stay.

Alert Dog Trainers

Shifts are rotated to ensure that each trainer is alert and ready to keep your pet safe.

A La Carte or Bundled Services

Pet parents may opt for boarding services alone. However, we always recommend using these boarding sessions as an opportunity to train your dog, too.

Other Top Dog Training Services:

Some of our other services offered by SuperDog Center include:

certified professional dog trainer in Spring Hill Tampa Florida

Behavior Modification – Perfect for all age groups, turn unruly behavior around with the help of SuperDog Center. We teach your dog to listen when called and how to control aggression, anxiety, and fear.

Competitive Obedience – Get customized competitive obedience training for your specific needs.

Beginning Obedience & Manners – For pets over the age of five months old, beginner training is offered for housebreaking, barking, and more.

In-Kennel Training/Dog Bootcamp – Ideal for busy parents, this method of training expedites results.

Develop New Skills – Intelligence, Obedience, and Knowledge

Nurture a well-mannered dog with the help of SuperDog Center. For bookings, hours of operation, and more!